Ultrarunners dans le monde 12/02

Administrateur Endurance - Alertes google extrem running

YouTube - Extrait du documentaire:"Sur les pistes de l ...

lien de téléchargement: http://www.ultrarunner.fr/index.php?option= com_content&view=article&id=222:telechargement-gratuit-documentaire-ultramara...

www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEyV3l8Mc2sHydratation Nathan
Durant l'été 2005, le légendaire ultrarunner David Horton part de la frontière mexicaine en direction du Canada le long de [...] ...

Fumbling Towards Endurance: Up And Comers
par Geoff
I don't mean this as any disrespect to any other runners, but I think Ellie is the most talented female ultra runner in North America right now. I for one am really excited to see how this talent manifests itself in the months and years ...
Fumbling Towards Endurance - http://akrunning.blogspot.com/