Littérature: Training For Endurance

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Training For Endurance

Training for Maximum Endurance -- new exercise tips, techniques & training routines to boost your stamina levels.

Many sporting events are won or lost in the closing stages of the competition – you can be in with a chance as the finishing line looms, only to see others power past you at the crucial moment. That’s why it’s so important that an athlete has significant amounts of endurance to call on. In Training for Endurance, you'll find world-class tips and techniques to maximize your endurance levels and ensure that you can get that extra push during your event. The original price of this invaluable guide is $59.99, but we are offering it here for only $29.99 (£18.59), a full 42% off!

But it’s not only distance athletes who need endurance. The importance of stamina is increasingly recognised in a variety of other sports, particularly those involving bursts of running (e,g, football, basketball and rugby) or lengthy matches (e.g. tennis). A lack of stamina not only hampers your physical performance, it can cause you to make unforced technical or tactical errors as increasing tiredness affects your mental alertness and reaction times.


In truth, there are few events, beyond the purely aerobic, where endurance is not regarded as a determining factor in sporting success.

Happily, the old wisdom that endurance could be developed solely through endurance activity – long, slow, often-tedious training bouts – is largely discredited. New research confirms that training intensity is as important as duration, that strength training has an important role to play in boosting endurance performance and, further, that other factors like self-belief and even thought processes also have a bearing on the outcome.

So you no longer need to spend hundreds of hours each year in tedious, time-consuming routines to build your endurance base and maintain your stamina. Instead, by working smarter, not just harder, you can achieve the endurance gains you desire.

Here is some of what you'll find in Training for Endurance:

Some of the scientific findings are sure to surprise you – if only because they go against some long-established training beliefs.

Because of our access to a wide range of academic sports science journals, we’re able to bring this new, evidence-based thinking direct to you. Now you can assess these new findings for yourself, and decide how best to integrate them into your future training and conditioning regimes.

Order your copy of this new report today and use these new training insights to build new levels of stamina:

• What’s the best way to quantify and evaluate your endurance training so you can be sure you’re not under-training or overreaching?

• How can you use plyometric and strength training to get all the benefits of increased power – without putting on additional body mass?

• What can you learn from Kenya’s top 10k runners about how to improve endurance?

• What’s the optimal method for integrating weight training into your endurance training regime?

• With all the emphasis nowadays on training intensity, is there still a place for long, slow training runs?

• Why does one specialist coach put hill training at the heart of his endurance training regime?

• What are the risks of long-term detraining on endurance athletes – and what can you do to avoid them?

• What’s the link between attentional strategies and injury in distance runners – and how can this information be used to reduce the incidence of injury?

• What are the cardiac risks to athletes of strenuous endurance exercise? Do you fit the profile?

Optimising Your Training Schedules – how can you make sure your coach is working in sync with you?

Coaches are good at planning training schedules: indeed, most are very thorough – even mathematical – in the detail of their planning. Typically, a coach will plan and add up the amounts of training at different intensity levels and modes required to create the ideal programme for a given athlete.

By contrast with the rigorous planning of their coaches, athletes’ recording of training is often subjective, lacking in particular any information that can be used to calculate the training load of the session. While the coach will have planned exactly when the hard, moderate and easy training sessions should take place, the athlete may not record information that can be used to determine whether this, in fact, occurred.

What’s more, perceptions of the level of training may also differ between coach and athlete. For example, an athlete may find a ‘circuits’ session hard, but the coach may assume that it is moderate and place it in the weekly plan accordingly. The resulting weekly programme may therefore lack the recovery element needed to maximise fitness benefits.

To address these issues, we set out three different methods in Training for Endurance that you can use to quantify your training load. Each method is described in concrete detail, along with illustrative examples of training schedules for a variety of sports, so you can evaluate each method’s usefulness for yourself.

The first method is probably best suited to those training for general health benefits, as it is unable to account for training intensity in training load. The second is a simple tool for monitoring all aerobic training, and as such is excellent for endurance athletes. The final method is perhaps the most versatile since it can be use to rate the load of any kind of training. It is perfect for games players, power and technical sport athletes.

In explaining each method, we include a demonstration of the potential usefulness of Excel spreadsheets in helping coaches and athletes set out their training loads in a way everyone can relate to.

Gaining Power Without Mass – how can runners get the most out of strength and plyometric training routines?

Strength training is increasingly recognised as being important for runners and other endurance athletes. However, its beneficial effects, backed up by research, are experienced only if it is performed in the right amounts, using the correct choices of exercises.

For endurance athletes, high volume mixed with high intensity training is essential for success. Recovery between sessions is equally important to avoid staleness; and, consequently, any additional training will not necessarily be beneficial if it adds to fatigue rather than enhancing fitness.

Therefore, if endurance athletes wish to add strength sessions to their training programmes, they need to prioritise, ensuring each exercise in the routine is beneficial.

In Training for Endurance we describe the kind of strength programmes incorporated into the weekly training routines of two elite middle and long distance athletes throughout a training year. One is an 800m runner and the other a 5000m specialist, both competing at senior international level and carrying out the kind of high mileage training you would expect.

For each programme, we describe not just the content and volume of the exercises, but the overall physiological goals of the programme, so that the purpose of each exercise is clear to you and you’re able to apply the principles to your own situation.

Both the strength and plyometric training programmes are clearly set out in tabular form, so you can see for yourself exactly what training structure is being recommended, down to the last detail.

Concurrent Training – how to combine weight training with endurance exercise to best effect

At first sight, weight training and endurance training might appear to fit well together. However, there’s more than meets the eye, and the beneficial effects of such concurrent training routines can go largely unrealised if the athlete or coach is not familiar with the possible problems.

Training for Endurance examines the difficulties of concurrent training, drawing on recent research findings from a number of different sports, among them rowing, swimming and cross-country skiing. In each one, a control group was compared against another group that combined weight training with their endurance exercise regimes.

The research findings are instructive for competitors and coaches alike! Some concurrent programs yielded a positive outcome for levels of endurance and performance, while others were much less successful.

We discuss the lessons learned, and list the cardinal factors you should consider when seeking to combine weight training and endurance exercise to best effect.

Top-Level Distance Running – what can we learn from Kenyan 10k runners and other East African athletes?

The dominance of distance running by East Africans is a well-established phenomenon and there has been much speculation by coaches and pundits about the reasons for this superiority, which has been variously attributed to genetics, sociological factors and altitudinous environment.

While a number of physiological studies had previously been conducted into this phenomenon, a problem with most of them was that the athletes tested were sub-elite. As these individuals neither trained as hard or performed as highly as world-class athletes, it was difficult to draw accurate conclusions about what contributes to elite performance.

Now, we’re able to address that issue in Training for Endurance.

We report the findings of a recent research study of 19 elite Kenyan 10k athletes – 13 male and six female – and discerning several important lessons for other distance runners seeking to improve their performance.

This new research establishes that the factors accounting for East African distance running dominance are not purely physiological, but partially accounted for by a psychological phenomenon known as ‘stereotype threat’. The study’s conclusions are important, not just in terms of our understanding of East African elite running performance, but for the wider questions of sports performance and motivation.

So we report this important study in detail, drawing out the implications for established athletes, young competitors and sports coaches.

Endurance Training Injuries – how can you train your mind to avoid these?

Distance athletes and their coaches recognise the importance of developing an aerobic base and then implementing progressive overload training in ‘safe doses’ in order to allow the necessary adaptations to occur.

Those working in sports medicine, however, acknowledge that problems can arise when the overload principle is applied too rapidly and the loads exceed the athletes’ capabilities. This might include overtraining and running too many miles per week, or too much work conducted on hard surfaces.

While these precursors to injury are quite obvious, when athletes become so focused on their training and conpetition goals the path towards injury may be recognized only retrospectively. Now new sports science research has identified two important attentional strategies that are commonly used and investigated their links with injury rates.

Training for Endurance reports on a groundbreaking American study of elite and college distance runners that discovered that elite athletes employed attentional strategies that were quite different from their non-elite counterparts. These mental efforts not only have important ramifications for performance, but for the runners’ respective risk of sports injury. We discuss why this might be so – and what athletes and their coaches can do to counter this phenomenon.

Exercise-Induced Cardiac Damage – are your endurance training efforts putting you at risk?

Regular reports of sudden deaths from heart disease during or immediately after prolonged endurance events help to point home the message that the risks of strenuous endurance exercise should not be taken lightly, and that both caution and common sense are needed when training for these types of events.

So Training for Endurance includes a chapter on this important issue. We report recent research findings on the effects of prolonged exercise on healthy hearts. And we examine current evidence on exercise-induced cardiac fatigue (EICF) and exercise-induced cardiac damage (EICD), along with their clinical implications. Finally, we assess what all this means for you as an athlete seeking the optimal way to train for peak performance.

Long, Slow Training Runs – do these still have a role in building stamina?

For some time now, experts have been downgrading the value of long slow workouts for endurance runners in favour of briefer bouts of high intensity exercise.

However, you may need to think twice before doing so after reading Training for Endurance‘s report on the findings of a recent Spanish study of 8 sub-elite endurance runners. This new research suggests that, while the days of doing regular Long Slow Distance efforts may be well and truly over, to discard long slow runs altogether may be throwing the baby out with the bath water – for athletes participating in certain types of events.

Read our report and you’ll find out whether you’d be better off focussing your efforts on high intensity efforts – or mixing in some long, slow runs as well.

Hill Training – the Holy Grail for athletes wanting that extra edge over their rivals?

South African coach Abrie de Swardt is a big fan of hill Training for Endurance athletes, believing that this training method can literally make the difference between winning and losing. Working with his athletic charges, de Swardt has found that hill training:

• helps develop power and muscle elasticity
• improves stride frequency and length
• develops co-ordination, encouraging the proper use of arms during the driving phase and feet in the support phase
• develops control and stabilisation as well as improved speed (downhill running)
• promotes strength endurance
• develops maximum speed and strength (short uphill runs)

In Training for Endurance he sets out several hill training routines you can use to elevate your performance. This tried and tested information in itself is more than worth the cost of your copy of Training for Endurance

Long-term Detraining – how can you avoid a significant decline in stamina?

We know more about building endurance than ever. That’s great news for athletes because it means the days of spending hundreds of hours each year in often-dreary, time-consuming bouts of slow exercise are over.

Unfortunately, while endurance gains can be more quickly made nowadays – they can be quickly lost as well, with potentially serious implications for an athlete’s metabolic response to exercise.

That’s the overall conclusion of a recent French study on rowers, which we discuss in Training for Endurance.

You’ll learn what the key findings were – and what are the lessons for endurance athletes contemplating time off training. Exactly how much time can you risk taking off? After all, you wouldn’t want to reverse too many of your hard-won physiological gains, would you?


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